How To Convert Your Lesson Into A Story

How To Convert Your Lesson Into A Story

Have you ever noticed that we remember stories (especially fables) more easily than facts and figures? The power of words weaved together with vibrant characters and relatable situations ensure that as a reader it connects to our heart and therefore our mind. Its not...
Do You Leverage Your Biggest Asset?

Do You Leverage Your Biggest Asset?

As business women we’re used to having to do everything to get stuff done. We don’t complain – just pull up our big girl pants and get moving with our to do list. Crossing things off, adding more. It’s a never-ending story. Some of us put a hesitant toe in and hire a...
The Secret Formula To Inspirational Quotes

The Secret Formula To Inspirational Quotes

Today I am going to share with you a simple formula for really cool inspirational quotes.  To try and demystify how they are made AND to also help transform yours from possibly being a tad clumsy to exceptional! It all came about when my new client came to me really...

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