My Top 3 Tips To Increasing Your Newsletter Open Rate

Newsletters! We all know we should be doing it regularly but when you pour your heart and soul into a beautiful piece and see that only 5% have opened your delivery into their inbox it kinda makes you wonder if there is any point!

So in this weeks blog I thought I would share my top 3 tips on how to increase the number of people opening your newsletter.

First off before we do anything if you haven’t read my post on why I never delete people off my list I recommend you do. It does touch on that your low open rate may not be accurate so it’s well worth having a squiz!

So no more fluffing about – let’s get straight into it!

1) Lure Them In: Make sure you use a very interesting subject line that is too good to ignore. Soo interesting, enticing and exciting that there is no way they would ignore the email. Include their name and address it to them direct. Avoid words like “Newsletter”, “Sale” or “Free” as they are either boring or can force you into spam filters.

2) Broadcast At The Write Time (Pun Totally Intended): If you’re currently sending your newsletters at 9am on Monday – then there is a good chance they are being missed or ignored! The new workweek is busy for everyone and quite frankly would be the worst time to send a newsletter. Have a think about when your target market would be available to read your content (especially if they have their emails on their phones – so be sure its mobile friendly) and adjust your schedule. You might need to even test a few different days and times to see what works best for you!

3) Send regular newsletters! If you current schedule is sporadic and bare at the best of times then people will naturally lose interest in you and what you do. Have a schedule and stick to it so your readers start to expect to see you hit their inbox with valuable content that can help them with every piece. If this is the part you are struggling with feel free to download my content planner to map out your topics for the rest of the year.

Are there other things you can do to increase open rates – absolutely, but start with these three to form some great habits that we can then build on!

If you have any questions or need any help please don’t hesitate to ask.


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