Laptop lifestyle ← is it really that good(beware ranty post)

A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to go on holiday to Darwin (The top end of Australia and crocodile territory!) to visit my sister, brother in law and new niece Angelica! She is absolutely adorable and I couldn’t get enough of her chubby little cheeks! So I wanted to share my experience living this oh so glamorous laptop lifestyle that is in our newsfeeds on a daily basis.

1. It is NOT glamorous!
We stayed in a very nice hotel which had free wifi BUT it was still so hard to work! The desk was awkward, I hit my leg on this silly drawer handle constantly and ended up with a bruise (I may just be a clutz) but it sucked. I ended up working on the balcony with a desk pad underneath my mouse so it wouldn’t fall through the slots!

2. My hubby was with me and he was on holiday from his work for a week, so the guilt set in. I was needing to work at all hours of the morning and night – pretty much whenever I wasn’t with my sister so that I could keep my clients happy. I felt really bad. As hubby & I hadn’t been on a week long holiday for quite a while, so I really would’ve loved to spend the time with him. Next time I will actually hand things over to my team and have a holiday.

3. Getting internet can be HARD!
Even though we had free wifi at the hotel, I also needed to check emails while out and about, do work from my sister’s house and the internet was unreliable. I would either be in a place where there was no service or there would be internet but it was so slow. It took over an hour to upload a 10 minute video to youtube!

4. Pushing my boundaries and accepting skype calls when on holiday ←  did not work!
I had originally blocked out my whole calendar for the week so that no one could book in a skype, but was asked for one and the accommodating person I am, said sure and opened my calendar back up. So I had a skype booked in, which was of course in a different time zone, so I needed to get up early in the morning move the patio table in off the balcony and get setup for the skype. All this was done, my husband left the room and then the person didn’t show. I understand things happen, cancellations need to be made etc, but it just proved to me that I need to sometimes say no.

Why am I telling you all this? I really want you to learn from my experience. Yes it is absolutely amazing that I can run a profitable business from my laptop, but when living the “laptop lifestyle” there are things you need to consider. Ensure you have reliable internet, set aside time to work on your business, plan out your week. Prep and organise your team before you go. If you are going to have a holiday or a working holiday do that! Plan it so that you can and enjoy this amazing business you are building!


BTW – My trip wasn’t all doom and gloom, I had a really great time, here are some pics for proof!

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